If you love to collect rare exotic plants, Alocasia Zebrina is the right houseplant for you.
Native to the Philippines, Southeast Asia, Zebrina Alocasia is a rainforest plant with zebra-like stems (hence the name Alocasia Zebrina) and green leaves (similar to floppy elephant ears).
Zebrina cannot tolerate rapid temperature changes, but thrives in a warm and humid environment.
Before we take any further care of the Alocasia plant, let’s make one thing clear:
Alocasia is not an easy-care plant like other houseplants ponytail palm, heartstring or Rosso Peperomia.
But hey, if you know the basics, you won’t believe how simple it can be to restore your plant.
Now to the maintenance part:
Note: Zebra plant, Zebrina Alocasia, Tiger plant and Elephant ear are other Alocasia names. (Alocasia Zebrina)
Table of Contents
Zebra Plant Care

Beautiful zebra-like stems and charming arrowy leaves make it a must-have vegetation for any nature lover.
Here is basic alocasia zebrina or tiger plant care:
Soil: A mixture of ½ diluted fertilizer with any aroid or potting soil (does not retain moisture)
Light: Place in a bright room out of direct sunlight.
Ideal Temperature: 15°C (59°F) – 23°C (74°F)
Ideal Humidity Level: 40% to 65-70%
Watering: Water frequently (filtered water) but in small portions.
You may also know them as fussy plants, which they really are! So, how do you take care of Alocasia Zebrina? (Alocasia Zebrina)
Get all the info below:
1. Soil
The soil should be well-drained, fertile and airy, not holding much moisture in it.
The best material for Zebrina Alocasia is aroid soil mix or potting mix containing equal parts of houseplant soil, perlite and peat moss.
You can also get a 5:1:1 soil mix or any soil used for a monstera plant. (Alocasia Zebrina)
2. Light
“The lighter the plant’s color, the more sunlight it needs.” – truly yours, an Alocasia Zebrina plant parent
When it comes to light, zebra plant can be quite difficult to handle, but what if alocasia needs sun? Yeah!
The key is to avoid direct sunlight, but keep in mind that these tropical plants do not do well in low light.
So, to answer that, can alocasia grow in full sun? No, they cannot, and direct high sunlight can even burn their leaves.
The ideal placement for this demanding houseplant is closer to a window in a bright room with indirect sunlight. (Alocasia Zebrina)
The Alocasia or Zebra plant is a reaching plant, meaning its leaves are tilted towards the sun. It is recommended to turn (a quarter turn) every time you water.
3. Temperature
The tiger plant, zebra, likes a warm and humid environment, but does not do well in a high-temperature climate.
If you want to see your Alocasia plants as vibrant and fresh as ever, avoid rapid temperature changes.
They cannot withstand cold drafts or frost and do not fare well with direct heat sources such as hot radiators.
Therefore, the ideal temperature for growing these houseplants is between 15°C (59°F) and 23°C (74°F). (Alocasia Zebrina)
4. Humidity
Tiger-striped Alocasia Zebrina Reticulata is a tropical rainforest plant from Southeast Asia that loves a high humidity environment.
According to expert Kaylee Ellen, the best practice for indoor elephant ear plants is to maintain a humidity level between 40% and 65-70%.
You could say this is the optimum level they need to look healthy and fresh.
To keep your tiger plant hydrated, you can place a humidifier around it or place a tray of gravel and water under the pot.
5. Watering
If you are under Alocasia, you drop a leaf. If you overwater Alocasia, you’ll still drop a leaf! Yes, it is that serious.
The most important thing to understand in elephant leaf plant care is the need for water.
How often should you water the zebrana plant? Alocasia hates sitting in wet soil. Yes, they like their soil to be moist, but they also don’t do well in high humidity.
Watering a tiger plant is unlike any other like snake houseplants.
The first tip is to water two to three times a week, but in small portions. This means you should water frequently, but not completely.
Second, let the top 2″ of soil dry until the next watering session.
Should you spray Alocasia zebrina? Or is it acceptable to use tap water for a zebra plant?
A simple no to answer both questions!
Well, steaming is your choice, but according to a plant guide, some plants are prone to diseases if you mist them, and yes, you guessed right, your alocasia plant is one of them.
So, we leave that to you.
Now, why not water your alocasia zebrina with regular tap water?
Since these plants are sensitive to nutrients or minerals such as chlorine and sodium in their water, it is best to use filtered water or leave regular water for 24 hours to remove chlorine.
6. Fertilizer
They do not need fertilizing in winter.
Sometimes less! And it’s a perfect fit for your fussy plant. Trust us, water will do just fine for your alocasia zebra.
You can always add later, so it’s better to start with half the directed fertilizer first and increase the amount later if needed.
Best practice is to add ½ diluted fertilizer once a month or every other week during the growing season; spring, fall.
Excessive fertilization does not mean regret!
Do you know?
Alocasia is one of the rare species in the alocasia family, but don’t worry. It also comes in a variegated version!
7. Potting & Repotting
If we have to describe the potting care in one line, we say don’t change the pots often.
Why? their roots are so sensitive that you may not have a chance to save them from the damage caused by frequent repotting and repotting.
Ideal practice is to repot after a year or two in the spring and check for any root damage while doing this.
Now that you know the right time to repot your zebrafish, you shouldn’t confuse pot size.
Always get one size bigger. It’s best to use a pot an inch larger than before, as these plants like to root a little.
Alocasia zebrina is poisonous and can cause some skin irritation, so wear gloves before handling your plant.
8. Propagation
The next step is propagation. Alocasia tiger plants can quickly grow from bulbs up to 90 cm tall if properly cared for.
How do you know when it’s time to propagate or propagate a zebra plant? When you observe the roots coming out of the pot or the plant feels firmly rooted.
9. Pruning
Finally, the final step in our elephant ear care guide is pruning.
To prune off yellow or damaged leaves, use a sterile blade or blade and cut closer to the main stem.
You can propagate using branches, corms or bulbs.
Remove the plant from the pot and place in water to remove soil or dirt (this will have minimal effect on the roots).
Next, plant the bulbs or bulbs individually in a pot filled with well-draining soil. Try to use the same compost material for baby alocasia as you used for the mother plant.
If you want to avoid stressing your sensitive alocasia, breed and multiply at the same time.
Tip: Alocasia Zebrina is a fussy and difficult plant to care for, so it’s recommended to double the check routine whenever you notice a new leaf forming.
Dormancy Factor of Alocasia Zebrina

Zebrina alocasia goes dormant in late fall and winter, which means its leaves are starting to fall and it may look like it’s dying.
But, hey, don’t panic, drowsiness is just a phase!
Just move it to a warm place, increase light exposure, pressure humidity and temperature, reduce watering and it will be back to normal in the spring season.
Common Problems with Alocasia Zebrina & Solutions
Yellow Leaves

If your Alocasia’s leaves are starting to turn yellow, it’s a clear sign that the sunlight is too harsh or too much for the plant’s liking.
The other reason could be inconsistent irrigation schedule.
It’s best to place your tiger plant in a south-facing area near the window and balance the watering needs.
Brown Tips
The main cause of brown tips of Alocasia zebrina is submersion, which means you are causing the soil to dry out more than necessary.
Be consistent with watering, allow the soil to dry 2 inches between watering schedules, and use a well-draining soil mix.
Brown Edges Around Leaves

You are following the correct watering routine and providing proper sunlight and warmth, but you still notice that the edges around your tiger striped plant’s leaves are turning brown.
What could be the reason? Moisture!
Make sure the humidity level is above 65-70% or 40% around Alocasia.
Spider Mites
Mealybugs and spider mites are common pests that can infect an alocasia zebrina.
It may be due to improper care or low humidity. Gently wash the leaves or stem with warm water to get rid of the pesky insects that harm your beautiful plant.
Curling or Drooping Leaves

Twisting, twisting, wilting, or drooping of the leaves or stems of the tiger plant indicates that it needs watering. Yes, these are all signs of insufficient watering.
You can control the weight of the pot and if it feels light, it’s time to water your baby’s alocasia.
Note: If you notice any of the above symptoms, do not water your plant immediately! Instead, feel the weight of the pot and the dryness of the soil.

Zebra plant is poisonous and poisonous, so keep it out of reach of children and pets. You should use it carefully as it may cause some skin irritations.
Bottom Line
With the right care, a tough plant like Alocasia Zebrina can also come back to life.
The key to Alocasia care is high humidity, lack of direct sunlight, adequate watering and warm temperature.
Zebra plant care isn’t really difficult if you do it right.
Okay, okay, it is. But at least you get a nice, thriving alocasia as a reward. What more do you need?
We hear you say more houseplants!
Check out the Molooco blog for such stunning, rare and gorgeous plant species.
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Good planting friends!
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