About Monstera Adansonii Care
One genus, Monstera, produces a unique Swiss Cheese Factory (Monstera Adansonii), a tropical houseplant native to Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, South America and various parts of Central America.
It is famous for its leaves decorated with windows. (a process in which healthy leaves begin to break apart and make huge holes)
The perforated leaves are the biggest reason Monstera has gained a reputation among Instagrammers and plant enthusiasts. In Adansonii you find amazing heart-shaped holes in the leaves.
Obliqua is the rarest but most demanding plant of the genus Monstera.
Also known as Monstera Friedrichsthalii [Mon-STER-uh, Free-dreech-sta-lia-na] or Swiss Cheese Vine, Monstera Adansonii [adan-so-knee-eye] plant is easy to care for, but you only know the following basic tips:
Table of Contents
All About Monstera Adansonii, Friedrichsthalii, or Swiss Cheese Plant:

Do you remind yourself of the shape and appearance of Swiss Cheese? It’s greasy and has holes all over it, right? The same goes for Monstera Adnasonii leaves.
It’s called the Swiss Cheese plant because when the leaves ripen, small holes suddenly start popping up on their surface, forming a cheese-like shape.
Almost all plants, including the mini monstera, offer a very rare, unique and fascinating window of leaves.
Scientific Name: Monstera Adansonii
Genus: Monstera
Plant Type: Perennial
Blooming Season: Spring
Hardiness Zones: 10 to 11
Famous Names: Swiss Cheese Plant, Adanson’s monstera, five holes plant
Monstera Adansonii Care:

Monstera Adansonii is an effortless plant to care for. It requires the least of your attention but gives you a beautiful window layout.
1. Light Requirement:

First of all, you will need to determine the layout of your facility, and the first thing you should pay attention to is the lighting situation.
Adansonii plants migrated to cities from the deepest forests of Central and South America. They grow in the shade of large trees, habitually making them epiphytes, just like the silver dollar virgin plant.
Therefore, when looking for a hiding place, find a window with indirect sunlight for proper Monstera Adansonii care. Remember to rotate your plant regularly so all parts can enjoy the sunny day.
Don’t have a window in your home that gets indirect sunlight?
Do not worry! Make some effort to limit sun exposure.
For this, you can keep your plant under direct sunlight for 2 to 3 hours, and then keep it in a place that does not receive sunlight anywhere in the house.
A little effort can make a big difference!
Light Care for Seasonal Monstera Adansonii; As winter approaches, be a little more conscious and move your plant to a brighter place.
2. Temperature & Humidity:

Never confuse sunlight with temperature or humidity. These are two different things.
Therefore, in addition to paying attention to light needs, you should also know how to maintain the appropriate temperature and give your plant an environment similar to its natural environment.
The plant loves moisture and will grow beautifully in steamy areas such as kitchen shelves or bathroom windows.
Don’t worry about the temperature, because Monstera Adansonii needs 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher to grow well, best in the summer.
Worried about winters? do not do that! When winter comes the plant goes dormant so that little cold weather won’t be a big problem.
However, it can threaten its health, protect your plant from freezing cold, weather and heating vents etc. keep away.
Besides keeping the herb in steamed bathrooms and kitchen shelves for moisture, you should never forget to mist your herb.
You can also place a humidifier next to them to create appropriate humidity levels.
3. Watering / Misting Monstera Adansonii:

Don’t follow all the guides you see or find online because everything depends on your plant size, location, soil type and general surrounding environment.
This means that if someone is watering their plant every other day, that doesn’t mean the same watering routine will work for your plant.
As a novice plant caregiver, it may be a little difficult to understand, but the more you delve into houseplants, the more child’s play it will become.
As a general rule, when watering your Monstera Adansonii plant, you should:
The knuckle test means that you will plunge your finger into the soil up to your knuckle. If you find it watery, your plant is full and doesn’t need watering yet.
Take the Knuckle test:
However, if the soil is only cold and not moist, apply a light mist to your plant.
Never let the soil dry out completely and do not overwater!
You can use this method before each watering the Adansonii plant, but once you become aware of the plant’s routine, it’s okay to give up on it.
4. Monstera Adansonii Soil Type:

Whether you are planting in a tiny pot for the first time or buying into another giant pot, obtaining a suitable soil is essential.
Plants of the genus Monstera are epiphytes; They love moisture but hate drenched roots. Therefore, the soil you use should be thoroughly mixed with peat moss.
The great thing about peat is that it absorbs water and allows the soil to retain moisture for a long time, creating the same environment for the Adansonii plant as in the forests of Central and South America.
Also, check the soil pH, which should be around 5.5 to 7.0.
5. Fertilization of Monstera Adansonii:

Fertilizing your plant is as necessary as watering because there are many nutrients that plants will need from time to time but cannot produce through photosynthesis.
Fertilizers will provide these nutrients to your plant. However, as not all plants are the same in nature and habitat, their nutrients also vary.
As a novice plant owner, let’s say a plant needs fertilizing especially during the growing season. As Monstera Adansonii grows in the spring, you will need to give them nutrient-rich fertilizers that season.
For fertilization, use the 16 x 16 x 16 formula.
You know, overfeeding is dangerous for animals and pets as well as plants. This means you should never over-fertilize your plant. Moreover,
- Do not fertilize a plant that is bone dry or soggy, as this can build up salt in the roots and cause root burns.
- Do not fertilize in extreme cold and hot times because it can cause brown spots, a kind of disease on your plant.
6. Pruning Your Swiss Cheese Plant:

Pruning is an important task when it comes to taking care of Monstera Adansonii Care or any other plant. It’s just like the occasional grooming you do for your pets.
Monstera Adansonii is a climbing plant, so you can design this decorative genus in any way. You can use the threading technique to accelerate the growth of your Adansonii plant in desired directions.
You will also need to prune off its top leaves during growing seasons such as spring and fall to keep it from getting out of control.
However, be careful to prune your plant during the dormant season as well as during the winter.
Is Monstera Adansonii Toxic?

Monstera is not directly toxic, but contains rich amounts of calcium oxalate. This is usually insoluble and can cause swelling, vomiting and burning in pets.
Therefore, it is better to keep it away from pets and children in hanging flower pots.
Before finishing:
Why do people prefer Monstera Adansonii over Obliqua?
Well, Monstera Adansonii plants hang beautifully around pots and climb along trellises, making it a purely decorative plant just like obliquas.
The plant belongs to the same genus and has the same windowed leaves with holes, but it can be purchased and is extremely convenient to maintain at home.
But the real Obliqua is a little difficult to find. This is the reason why more and more people love monstera Adansonii in their homes.
Bottom Line:
This is all about Monstera Adansonii Care. Do you have any other questions or suggestions? Let us know in the comments below.
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