Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a plant that has taken over the internet for various reasons recently.
Well, if you ask us;
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma definitely deserves it. Also, the American plant community remembered it as a rare plant species; they grow very fast though and can be a great addition in the home.
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What is Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma?
For your information:
Rhaphidophora is a genus of approximately the family Araceae. 100 species. Aftica originates in places such as Malaysia Australia and the western pacific.
Among a hundred species, Tetrasperma is one of the most sought after species on the internet for its amazing houseplant property.
It is a shade-loving plant and doesn’t need much care. All with this, they love to grow themselves up, with or without efforts.
It is a miraculous plant that shines with the urge to live. It can survive the worst Thrips attacks. They regrow from their vast parts and are known as a compulsive species.
How to Pronounce Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma?
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, pronounced Ra-Fe-Dof-Ra Tet-Ra-S-Per-Ma, is an herb from Malaysia and Thailand.
Tetrasperma is best known for the mixed temperament of climates, as you can find it in frozen forests in the driest places.
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Care:
When growing this plant at home, in your apartment, you need to be extremely careful when choosing:
- Kettle
- Residential area
- And it should take precautions regarding its growth.
There’s no doubt that this Ginny philodendron is growing very fast.
Therefore, it is said:
Mini Monstera is a wonderful member of the green family and loves to grow fast.
Remember: even smallest variations in the surroundings can influence Tetrasperma overall growth-behavior.
Here’s what you need to know:
1. The Placement:
Before you bring a plant home, decide where to put it. For example, apartment owners can control windows as well as spaces.
You can find various windows in different aspects of your apartment. We recommend placing your plant in a west-facing window.
West-facing windows receive direct sunlight.
Mini-Ginny Tetrasperma likes to live a shady life.
Still, you should know:
Moderate light is needed to get enough chlorophyll so they can prepare their food. West-facing windows provide the necessary sunlight appropriately, unlike dahlias, which mostly need direct sunlight.
2. Repotting:
Repotting is the process of transferring your pot to another, new or existing pot for any reason.
Now, before repotting your plant, it is recommended to keep it in the nursery pot for as long as possible.
We say this because the plant is accustomed to that soil and grows comfortably.
Wait until your plant has grown enough with roots that don’t fit in the nursery pot, repot it. But if you really need to repot;
Wait for at least a week to repot your plant from nursery pot to new pot.
- Selecting the Pot:
Terracotta pots are recommended for growing Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma at home. Terra Cotta pots help rare Tetrasperms to grow in a healthy and comfortable way.
Why terracotta pots?
The lower end of the Terra Cotta pot has a hole that allows the plant to breathe and connect with the real ground surface.
3. Lighting:
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma needs filtered and bright lighting. For plants placed indoors, a west-facing window that receives direct sun when outdoors requires dappled sunlight.
Make sure your tetrasperma gets the touch of the morning sun.
Always place them in west-facing windows when purchasing, as they require bright and direct sunlight.
You can also keep them on balconies or patios, but make sure the light’s trajectory isn’t so direct or harsh.
You can also use the shades while keeping them in direct light, otherwise they will burn and the leaves will lose chlorophyll and turn yellow.
With all this, they grow very quickly when presented with proper sunlight. You can check the growth rate with the formula:
More sunlight (not harsh) = more growth
Less sunlight (keep them in north-facing windows) = slow growth
The fascinating thing about growing tetra plants at home is that you can control and influence their growth.
You can make it grow faster or slower according to your sole requirements.
4. Water:
This Tetrasperma Ginny, besides being a shade loving little plant, does not need a lot of water intake and can grow quite effortlessly in pots without access to underground water.
The tip is simple:
When you find the soil dry, sprinkle water on it. It is better to overwater your plant than to overwater it.
You could say that leaving the soil dry is not good and is a recommended practice in horticulture, but it goes well with Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.
The plant needs much less water, but don’t let it go completely without water for a few days or the stems will start to turn brown.
Keep checking the soil, spend time stroking their leaves and give them attention because plants love people’s attention.
Making water schedule:
To predict and understand the irrigation schedule, you also need to check the weather and climates of your location.
For example, if you live in a dry area or in the summer, your plant may need more water than in a climatically dense or cold area.
Here’s what you need to do to find out if your plant needs water:
Try to put 1/3rd of your finger into the soil and if found dry, rain this plant or else wait.
Once again, make sure this plant is not overwatered.
Water selection:
It’s great to use common water for this plant.
You don’t have to worry too much about the type of water, the filtered water you choose for your other plants is good for raining down Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma without worry.
5. Fertilizers:
This plant wants to live once again and can survive in any conditions; However, there is a difference between surviving and growing up happily.
Therefore, you should use fertilizer to keep your plant in good condition.
You can use simple and common types of fertilizers, but make sure they are natural and free of chemicals.
“The traditional fertilizers used in Singapore and Malaysia for growing Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma are Coco-chips, slow-release fertilizers, fish fertilizers, as it drains quite well.
Making Fertilizing schedule:
That being said, this plant grows well and matures very easily and quickly, but fertilizing it is necessary because you are growing it in pots.
Therefore, a little more care is required.
The fertilization schedule will change seasonally, for example:
- During the growing season, which is summer, winter and autumn, you can switch to natural fertilizers every two weeks and choose a ratio of 20 x 20 x 20.
20 % Nitrogen (N)
20 % Phosphorus (P)
20 % Potassium (K)
- If you are going with synthetic fertilizers. The ratio can be 20 x 10 x 10
20 % Nitrogen (N)
10 % Phosphorus (P)
10 % Potassium (K)
At a rough estimate, if you use a teaspoon of fertilizer per gallon of water, the ration would be half a teaspoon to a gallon of water when using synthetic ones.
6. Soil:
Soil plays a vital role in a plant’s growth because all the roots of the plants remain dug in it. Now you have to follow the guide below when trying to repot your plant.
Wait a week to repot your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma and let the plant acclimate to its new environment.
You can make the soil yourself; however, this thing is only recommended if you are an expert in contamination.
You can also get help from an expert. Make sure the soil you choose is chunky because this plant is an aroid so it will love to climb.
Using Coco-Chips or Orchid Bark Soil and some slow release fertilizers, the plant will grow to be healthy.
You can add Worm Cast in it for nutrients.
If you want to make soil for your Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma, here is a formula:
40% Peat Moss
30 % Pumice (rock type)
20% Orchid with Bark
10% Worm Castings
7. Zone:
Choose the zone of minimum cold tolerance. Here is the detail:
11 A cold hardiness zone at +4.4 °C (40 °F) to +7.2 °C (50 °F) will be best.
8. Growth:
Being an aroid, this plant will require you to do something to keep its growth firm, straight and sticky.
Without it, it will grow more like Philodendron the Watcher.
However, the choice is yours whether you want to paste it or let it flow as if you were following it.
You can use bamboo sticks or small threads, tie one half from where the plant is sprawling and the other half where you need to glue its growth.
Be sure not to damage or shoot any leaves during the process.

Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Propagation:
Once you see that your plant is growing well and that growth is now encouraged, you can maintain your plant’s height and volume.
Understand that it is a busy grower and reproduces in summer, winter and fall.
For propagation, you will need to precisely cut off its excess shoots and leaves.
For more information, watch this video on Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Propagation by vintage and California herbalist Summer Rayne Oakes.
When cutting, be sure to select only shoots with a field root.
You can even sell these excess cuts in the market and make money.
As we told you,
A single rootless cutting of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma sells for under $50 USD. To clear all confusion here is a video, you can get help:
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Tissue Culture:
Tissue culture was developed due to the rarity of Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.
Hobbies said that the plants obtained after tissue culture of Rhhapidophora Tetrasperma, the plant obtained resembled two plants from other species.
Rhaphidophira Pertusa and Epipremnum pinnatum are also called Cebu Blue.
Rhaphidophira Pertusa has a very similar window to Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma.
Leaf shape, like the holes in the leaves, everything is very similar.
However, the leaves of Epipremnum pinnatum are more similar to Rhaphidophira Pertusa.
Fun, Rare, Interesting, and Unknown Facts About Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma you should know:
Here are the Exciting Facts about Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma:
“The facts section will answer any questions you may have about Rhphidophora Tetrasperma regarding:
- Care
- Growth
- Here are the details you need to know when bringing Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma home.
1. It resembles closely with mini monstera:
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is not easily recognized by people who know less about plants. Some people call it mini Monstera for convenience.
This may be due to:
Its leaves and general structure resemble Monstera Deliciosa, another plant from the Monstera family.
Also, this plant is difficult to recognize because:
Similar to Philodendron species; It is a common species in houseplants.
Philodendron leaves are also finger-like and somehow confuse the viewer as Tetrasperma.
With all this, some people confuse it with the unknown Amidrium.
Whatever the case,
“Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is neither a Philodendron nor a Monstera, and also not Amydrium, but shares fraternity with them.
It is a type of plant with a different genus called Rhaphidophora, but it is part of the same Araceae family along with its sister plants.
2. Easily Grows In Different Climates That Makes It Easy To Keep In Homes:
It is surprising but unbelievable that you can find this wonderful and most demanded plant in different climates.
Although there are many year-round plants we see, none look as decorative as Tetrasperma and are in high demand like this one.
It is a plant that lives forever and is a 24×7 decoration of the house.
You don’t need to change it now or later.
It is a survivor plant and has learned to grow in different conditions, from densely watery to cold-dry.
“Due to various growing conditions, Tetrasperma can be found from moist forests to dry forests.
Therefore, keeping tetrasperams at home is convenient, easy, and good enough for anyone, no matter if they live in New York or Sydney.
3. Complete Different Plants from Same Species, Native to Thailand and Malaysia:
As you know, Tetrasperma shares the same species Araceae with Monstera Deliciosa and Philodendron; However, its Genus is completely separate.
This is most likely because these three belong to three different locales.
Monstera and Philodendron species are native to Central and South America;
- Panama
- Mexican
As you can see, both places have very variable climates.
But the Tetrasperma plant is native to an entirely different environment.
“Tetrasperma is native to Southern Thailand and Malaysia; regions with a tropical climate and dense environment.
This thing makes it different from plants found in the USA.
If you think that Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is not easy to grow, own or manage in the USA because it is different from USA plants; You are wrong!
This survival plant can withstand any conditions with minor adjustments to light, air and water.
4. It has different names among locals, natives, and international community:
Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is the scientific and rhyming name, but still has no other official name.
Despite the fact that the plant is in vogue and everyone wants to keep it at home, we still only have the scientific name we can name it.
However, for convenience, people have renamed him with some of his visibly similar siblings. For example: Mini Monstera plant is also called Philodendron Ginny, Philodendron Piccolo and Ginny.
Despite these names, remember that:
Not Monstera or Philodendron.
People named it Mini Monstera because of its similar apparent appearance, and Philodendron because they belong to the same species.
However, it is of a different genus and has no real resemblance to Monstera or Philodendron in traits or any other.
5. Shades Are Preferred For Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Propagation:
It is from Thailand and Malaysia, but is also abundant in American livestock.
It grows easily in a combination of climates.
American and Malaysian environments are diverse; Even the orbit of the sun is different.
This shade-loving plant is ideal for city apartment living.
The best thing is:
You don’t need a big garden and you don’t need a backyard either, and Tetrasperma will grow fast and high in your apartment’s sun-facing windows.
6. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma a so-loved Plant by Internauts:
The main reason may be its easy spread.
Also, the market rate of the plant is too high and you only pay a total of 50 USD for one cut and it is also a “rootless cut”.
For you, the difference between rooted and rootless cutting is:
Rooted stem is easy to clone, propagate and propagate, while rootless cutting takes time and requires more expertise for propagation.
7. Diverse appearance and growing habits throughout Fenestrations (maturity) – Very Appealing to See:
Shingles plants are fascinating to have in homes because they grow in a peculiar way and vary so much in appearance from youth to maturity.
In infancy, its leaves are so different that they don’t look alike at all.
After growing, the leaves begin to separate and become completely different from the first days.
“Young Tetrasperma is a Shingles Plant and Grows with Beautiful spathe and spadix (fruit/flower), but changes many forms in its path to maturity.
While the odd leaf shapes divide when young and mature as they mature, Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is a lot of fun to have at home.”
In addition to all these, the leaves of the plant also show intense and different shades of green from youth to maturity. As:
new leaves come in neon green shade; as it grows, its spadix becomes firm and fleshy.
This is because the tissues that store water begin to burst. On the way, she spawns Spathe and Spadix in unusual appearances.

Reasons to bring Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma home:
Why are people more interested in having Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma at home than any other greenery???
This is for the following reasons:
- Houses are getting smaller and people have nowhere to grow plants except for some windows facing the sun. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma is suitable here.
- It has leaves that form as a totem year-round and sturdy growth of several feet.
The US loves this plant for its growth, vigor, and easy propagation.
- People living in the USA mostly live in apartments. That’s why they try to find houseplants like Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma to quench their thirst for cultivation.
- Owning this plant means having a manageable garden at home because you can not only reap the benefit but also sell and share its leaves to earn or spread love.
Now let’s get to the topic: Unknown Facts About Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma
Bottom Line:
After all, plants, like pets, need your love, care, affection and attention.
However, this is a choice where you feel more attached to plants or animals.
If you’re really into plants, you’re one of those who do better for mother earth.
At Inspire uplift we love working for plants and we have great tools for that. Before leaving this page, please click on the link and view our garden related products.
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