Influencers, plantaholics and all Instagram celebrities are always looking for plants with a unique look. Be it variegated monstera, indoor palm, Pothos or selenicerus grandiflorus.
One of the species we have is the pink princess philodendron, a picturesque viral plant.
The rarest, most expensive, most demanding plant in the world.
However, how can you have this exotic, cute and stunning variety of plants? And most importantly, is it worth spending large sums of money on this expensive flora?
Disclaimer: If you can grow pink princess philodendrons at home, we’ve outlined why and how the price of pink princess is high. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
Let’s find out!
Pink Princess Philodendron
Plant Species | Pink Princess Philodendron |
Common Names | Philodendron Erubescens, Philodendron Pink Princess |
Family | Araceae |
Growth & Size | 7”-10” in height & 3”-7” inches in width |
Confused With | Pink Congo Philodendron |
Care | Medium |
Famous For | Variegated Pink & Green Leaves |
Philodendron (Erubescens) pink princess is a beautiful foliage from the Araceae plant family. Originally developed by Maloy’s family in Florida, it became popular for its gorgeous pink and thick green leaves.
The vine-like pink princess plant is relatively small and can grow up to 7-10 inches high and 3-7 inches wide.
It has an irregular pattern of dark green leaves with a pink tint. However, the amount of pink in all varieties is not certain.
The leaves may have a splash of pink, a half pink petal, or just a small tip. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
Pink Princess Philodendron is Back
A whole pink leaf (philodendron pink congo) is not considered healthy as it contains no chlorophyll, which can cause the leaf to revert, droop or even drop.
But overall, the pink philodendron is an easy-to-grow plant that, like the ponytail palm, requires some maintenance. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
At that time,
What Makes Pink Princess Philodendron So Expensive?

As we said before, the amount of pink tone in the philodendron is not certain. In fact, sometimes the cultivator does not get a single bright pink plant.
So when even a small pink plant is produced with a distinctive color, they sell it at a higher price. For example, a small pink cutting or mini pink princess plant for sale might cost between $35 and $40.
However, they do not sell such small plants and expect some growth, which makes them even more expensive.
If you’re lucky enough to be able to sell the stunning pink princess philodendron for a reasonable price, don’t let it die and waste the money you spent on it.
But how can you preserve or preserve the color of pink philodendrons? Or how do you grow a philodendron princess to get that unique pink Instagram plant? (Pink Princess Philodendron)
Read here for the easy princess pink care steps to keep the pink hue developing for a long time:
Pink Princess Philodendron Care

Philodendron is a unique pink princess that can become a plant or a climber if you give her leaves enough support.
Although the classic combination of pink and green makes it a favorite of all plant lovers when it comes to growing, people often ask:
How can I care for my pink philodendron?
Because it’s so expensive, you can’t really ruin its growth, maintenance, or other essentials, otherwise it will lose its properties, leaving a pink color. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
They are not difficult to care for. Do not you believe? Here is the basic care of beautiful pink princesses:
Light: Bright to medium indirect sunlight (also works well under artificial grow light)
Soil: Any well-drained potting mix with perlite and orchid bark
Watering: Once a week or every 8-11 days (don’t over-water)
Temperature: 13°C (55°F) to 32°C (90°F)
Humidity: 50% or more (likes to grow in high humidity environments)
Fertilization: Any organic fertilizer
Propagation: Easy to propagate and grow.
Let’s find out in detail how you can easily grow a pink princess:
Placement & Light

The pink princess philodendron prefers to sit in bright sunlight unless it falls directly on them. However, they also do well in artificially filtered grow light.
You can place them in an east or west facing window, but in general, any spot where they can get enough bright indirect light is perfect for them to grow.
So, can this philodendron get full sun?
They can handle some direct sunlight in the morning when the rays are not strong.
Princess philodendron is a slow growing herb with pinkish white, dark pink and green leaves. However, you can provide a bamboo or moss pole support to allow it to fully grow.
Leaves can be 5 inches wider and 10 inches long. (Pink Princess Philodendron)

Watering is one of the most important steps in pink princess care. They are among the tolerant plants that do better underwater but will rot if you overwater them.
The ideal routine is to water them once a week.
Another tip is not to follow a specific watering schedule. Instead, always check the soil moisture before watering your pink princess philodendron.
Also, allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions, as wet and wet soil can cause root rot, drooping, or yellowing of leaves.
Note: Water extensively (water until it comes out of the plant hole) and avoid shallow watering (leave only the topsoil moist).
So, do watering and misting play a role in preserving the pink leaves of this magnificent plant?
Well, you may be doing nothing wrong and still lose that beautiful pink petal. It would not be wrong to say that this plant is quite unexpected in preserving its uniqueness. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
But you have to do everything right to make sure the leaf loss is not your fault!

The ideal soil mix for Philodendron erubescens pink combines perlite, potting mix and orchid park. It does well in well-drained organic soil.
You can DIY your soil mix by combining one part perlite, one part orchid bark, and two parts houseplant potting mix.
Watering, light, and humidity are some of the essential maintenance steps that can help your pink plants grow forever if you do them right (Literally).
Philodendron pink princess likes to sit in a high humidity environment. Yes, it can survive in low humidity, but for best growth balance room humidity more than 50%.
To maintain a humid environment, you can place a pebble tray filled with water under the plant or place a good humidifier next to it. (Pink Princess Philodendron)
This is one of those philodendrons that likes to sit in a moist and humid environment, but extremes of temperature can affect their growth. It even causes scorching or yellowing of pink leaves.
The ideal temperature for your philodendron plant to grow optimally is between 13°C (55°F) and 32°C (90°F). It can tolerate up to 35°C (95°F), but any temperature above the range can affect its leaves.
Pro-Tip: If you want to provide your plant with the best growing conditions, avoid rapid temperature fluctuations. (Pink Princess Philodendron)

The best fertilizer for the pink princess plant is any organic houseplant fertilizer diluted with water before pouring into the soil.
You can add fertilizer every two weeks in the summer or spring (growing season), but it’s best to avoid any fertilizer in the first year as it can impair the plant’s growth.
Also, if you just bought it, the soil mixture should already be filled with all the necessary nutrients, so you do not need to fertilize it right away.
Since the princess philodendron is slow glowing, you don’t need to repeat it often. However, it becomes necessary when the root is tied or you notice overgrown roots coming out of the terracotta pots.
For a pot change, take 1-2 larger pots than the previous one, add the freshly prepared potting mix and some of the old pot to the pot and carefully place your plant inside.
Also, the best time to prune a plant is to repot it so it doesn’t experience the same shock twice.
For pruning, use the grafting kit, scissors or a sterile knife to carefully cut off any damaged roots or leaves. Remove drooping, wilted, yellow or brown leaves.
You can prune the pink princess philodendron before spring or in the summer.
Pro-Tip: If you notice that all the pink leaves have turned green, prune them back just above a healthy variegated leaf. It will save all your pink princess from losing the unique variety.
These pink houseplants are really easy to grow and propagate. The three basic methods are water, soil and seed propagation.
Seed propagation is possible for pink philodendrons, but the new plant has a better chance of growing like a normal philodendron and not the pink variety.
How to Propagate in Water:
Cut a healthy stem (at least one variegated leaf) over the knuckle and place the fresh cutting in water. Now wait for some roots to grow and when they are 2-3 inches take the plant in a pot with the soil mix.
Keep the new plant in a humid environment with bright indirect light and pay extra attention to its watering needs.
Also, put the knot in the water keeping only the leaf above it.
Note: Prepare the new soil mix by combining fresh potting mix and old (from the parent pink princess plant) soil on a garden mat to save the plant from shock.
How it Spreads in Soil:
Spread in soil is almost the same as in water. The only difference is that the pink princess philodendron cutting goes directly into the potting mix.
There is no rooting process in water.
Pro-Tip: Cover the freshly prepared propagated plant process with a plastic bag to provide extra moisture and heat.
Pink Princess Philodendron FAQ’s
Before we finish our complete guide to the pink princess philodendron, here are some answers to some frequently asked questions by plant lovers:
Is the Philodendron Pink Princess Rare?
When it first became popular, yes, it was rare. However, it is not so rare any more as so many cultivars have developed this beautiful, unique pink plant.
However, it’s still hard to find a princess philodendron that isn’t too expensive or damaged.
How Can You Tell a Fake Philodendron Pink Princess?
If you’ve noticed, the pink hue of your princess plant will begin to fade 6-14 months after purchase. A clear sign that it was not planted by a natural process. Well, is it fake?
Yes, the plant you have is actually a pink congo philodendron that has been developed by injecting chemicals to produce those beautiful bright pink petals.
Moreover, the pink princess plant always has the contrast of green and pink leaves.
Do Pink Princess Philodendrons Revert?
If your philodendron plant has a lot of pink in it, it’s more likely to revert, such as two to three completely pink leaves with no green pigment.
Since the pink part does not contain chlorophyll, the plants must be green and pink in order to survive.
However, returning pink plant may be due to high amounts of direct sunlight or poor maintenance.
How Much Is a Pink Princess Philodendron?
It is definitely on the pricier side of plants as it has a unique assortment of beautiful bright pink and natural green colors.
An extra small philodendron pink plant can cost you at least $35. However, depending on where you buy it, a large philodendron princess can sell for $300 or more.
Note: The wholesale price may vary, but will still cost you more than the average houseplant.
Is the Pink Princess Plant Toxic?
Yeah! The unique and beautiful pink philodendron is toxic and poisonous to pets. So keep your cats and dogs away from your plant!
How Big Can a Pink Philodendron Princess Get?
Princess philodendron is a slow growing herb with beautiful dark pink (or pinkish white) and green leaves.
It can be grown indoors and outdoors. The striking variegated leaves of the pink plant can grow up to 10 inches long and 5 inches wide.
Do Philodendron Pink Princess Attracts Pests?
It is an excellent picturesque plant for growing indoors. However, like other varieties, it can attract annoying insects such as mealybugs, tumid, aphids, scales or mites.
Brown Leaves of Pink Philodendron?
Bright direct sunlight, less humidity, or an incorrect watering routine can cause leaves to turn brown.
Bottom Line
Pink Princess philodendron is one of the most sought after cultivars among plant influencers and flora enthusiasts.
Once you get your hands on this wonderful, unique and gorgeous variegated philodendron, you will definitely be thrilled.
That said, we leave it up to you to answer if it’s really worth all that extra money you spend, as it’s easy to propagate but not so easy to diversify plants.
However, after following the guide with all due care, you have a chance to get lucky and spread the beautiful combination of pink and green leaves.
Finally, be sure to visit the Molooco Blog to learn more about such fascinating plant varieties.
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